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Optimise your Cloud Infrastructure

If you are one of our clients and you are using AWS or Azure services, we help you get better services for less money by evaluating how your cloud is operating and fine tuning it for speed, performance and cost. Our cloud optimisation service is backed by CloudHealth Technologies.

Contact For Free Consulation

Instance Size, Family & Generation

Updating instance families can result in enhanced performance. By adopting the newest instance generations when feasible and reassessing size needs, we guarantee clients aren’t overpaying for larger, outdated instances.

System-Wide Reviews

We collaborate with our clients to establish a customized schedule for effectively managing their cloud services. Our service includes delivering scheduled reports tailored to the client’s requirements and conducting regular assessments of the effects of renewing reservations, as well as making modifications or acquiring new reservations.

Storage Review

We’ve seen many cases of incorrect storage size and type being used when a cheaper option is available. Let us review your storage requirements to help you free up revenue.

Microsoft Azure

Updating instance families can result in enhanced performance. By adopting the newest instance generations when feasible and reassessing size needs, we guarantee clients aren’t overpaying for larger, outdated instances.

Reservation Landscaping

We collaborate with our clients to establish a customized schedule for effectively managing their cloud services. Our service includes delivering scheduled reports tailored to the client’s requirements and conducting regular assessments of the effects of renewing reservations, as well as making modifications or acquiring new reservations.