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How does Thynktech Group give clients the best prices?

While we can’t divulge all our proprietary methods, we’re happy to offer some insight into our operations. Our competitive advantage hinges on three critical factors: adaptable pricing, swiftness, and tailored solutions, all aimed at providing optimal service to our customers.

Flexible Pricing

Through our collaborations with hardware, software, and maintenance providers, we receive rebates on the products we sell. Rather than retaining these rebates exclusively, we utilize them to harmonize our margins, thereby establishing prices that benefit both parties.


Being a smaller business increases our flexibility and speed. This allows us to generate company-approved quotes and subsequent adjustments quickly and efficiently. We also use our connections in the industry to reduce procurement lead time.


We really do care about getting you the best deal. Our dedication to creative customisation makes us a top procurer in New Zealand. By refusing a one-size-fits-all approach, we are able to leverage price, lead time and vendor options in innovative ways.