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Our Process

Thynktech offers 24×7 Managed Services for business-critical systems to enterprise and government clients. Our skilled team operates within the New Zealand time zone, catering to overnight activities for offshore ICT partners and clients. We specialize in providing CloudOps and DevOps support for modern cloud and infrastructure-as-code systems, as well as managing and supporting specialized legacy systems.

Client Requirement Assessment

We address all the requirements of our clients comprehensively. This involves outlining the scope and desired outcomes of the engagement, establishing metrics for success in delivery, defining the management strategy, and identifying the necessary skills for service delivery. By setting expectations in advance, we aim to minimize ambiguity in contracts and ensure clarity in our agreements.

Service Management

Managed services interfaces with ourĀ Data & IntegrationĀ and Platforms teams to ensure that the right personnel with the right technical skills are available to carry out the service. Services can be completed on site, remotely (from our offices) or a mix of both. Our technical experts are skilled at integrating with client teams to deliver collaborative, immediate results

Reporting and Improving

Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity.