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Cyber Security

Thynktech provides cyber security assessment and remediation services to its clients, aimed at enhancing and informing the level of business security. These services also serve as evidence of maturity when engaging with other businesses, partnerships, lending institutions, insurance providers, governing bodies, and other stakeholders.

Lifting Cyber Resilience

The cyber security landscape in Nigeria is undergoing dramatic changes. Threat actors are unrelenting, have extraordinary resources at their disposal, are opportunistic and use automation to cause havoc in a different part of the world every day.

Traditional security posture is often inadequate and outdated to provide a reasonable level of protection for Nigeria enterprise and government customers – large and small.

The THYNKTECH Group collaborates closely with clients to swiftly implement robust solutions that enhance cyber resilience. We’re currently seeking expertise in three specific domains:

1) Solutions that significantly minimize the risk of cyber attacks.

2) Solutions which enable an organisation to ultimately survive an attack

3) Solutions that mitigate damage, minimize hardship, and facilitate swift recovery from attacks.

We are happy to be approached before, during or after an attack has occurred.

Penetration Testing

We conduct simulated cyber attacks to assess the resilience of your security systems and pinpoint any areas that require improvement.

Data Privacy & Security

Protect your precious business data from breaches and leaks.

Zero Trust Design

Keep on top of your security framework by validating and authorising all network requests.

Identity Management

Identify, authenticate and authorise users to make sure the right people have the right access to your systems.

Network Security

Safeguard your network and thwart breaches with our configurations designed to nullify security threats.

Security Assessment & Roadmap

We offer assessments to evaluate your organization’s security readiness and provide recommendations to fortify it for the future.